Magdoll wrote:
I was trying to map various locations in a file to a dictionary. At
first I read through the file using a for-loop, but tell() gave back
weird results, so I switched to while, then it worked.
The for-loop version was something like:
d = {}
for line in f:
if line.startswith('>'): d[line] = f.tell()
And the while version was:
d = {}
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if len(line) == 0: break
if line.startswith('>'): d[line] = f.tell()
In the for-loop version, f.tell() would sometimes return the same
result multiple times consecutively, even though the for-loop
apparently progressed the file descriptor. I don't have a clue why
this happened, but I switched to while loop and then it worked.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is so?
I suspect that at least the iterator version uses internal
buffering, so the tell() call returns the current buffer
read-location, not the current read location. I've also had
problems with tell() returning bogus results while reading
through large non-binary files (in this case about a 530 meg
text-file) once the file-offset passed some point I wasn't able
to identify. It may have to do with newline translation as this
was python2.4 on Win32. Switching to "b"inary mode resolved the
issue for me.
I created the following generator to make my life a little easier:
def offset_iter(fp):
assert 'b' in fp.mode.lower(), \
"offset_iter must have a binary file"
while True:
addr = fp.tell()
line = fp.readline()
if not line: break
yield (addr, line.rstrip('\n\r'))
That way, I can just use
f = file('foo.txt', 'b')
for offset, line in offset_iter(f):
if line.startswith('>'): d[line] = offset
This bookmarks the *beginning* (I think your code notes the
*end*) of each line that starts with ">"