Alia Khouri wrote:
John Nagle wrote:
     MySQLdb, the Python shim for MySQL, still supports Python only to
Python 2.5.  See "";.  Are there
any plans to support Python 2.6 or 3.x?

Are you running windows? If so, check the forums of the group above,
some nice chap has posted a 2.6 version.

   Some reports indicate it doesn't work. See

   Whoever did the port somehow created a dependency on the
Intel math library, "libguide40.dll" and "libmmd.dll".  That shouldn't
be needed in the MySQL Python shim.  It's not freely distributable,
either; you have to buy the Intel C++ compiler to get it.  There are
versions of those DLLs available on the web, but they may or may not
be legitimate or current.

                                John Nagle

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