Mensanator wrote:
> On Nov 17, 6:26 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Mensanator wrote:
>>> On Nov 17, 5:44 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Trent Mick wrote:
>>>>> Mensanator wrote:
>>>>>>>> What about Vista? Do you need to use the Administrator account to
>>>>>>>> install it?
>>>>>>> My currently understanding is that the ActivePython installer will
>>>>>>> prompt for administrator privileges if required. I know that if the
>>>>>>> current user is a member of the administrators *group* (different from
>>>>>>> being the "Administrator" *user*), that this is sufficient to install
>>>>>>> and use ActivePython.
>>>>>> I'll have to try that, as it is NOT the case with the Windows
>>>>>> installer
>>>>>> from Admin privelleges are NOT sufficient if you want IDLE
>>>>>> to work. You have to use the Administrator account (which is disabled
>>>>>> by default on Vista). If you have a way around that, then great.
>>>>> I believe that IDLE ran just fine when installed as a user in the admin
>>>>> group.
>>>> I found the only satisfactory way to install Python all-users on Vista
>>>> was to log in as a member of the administrators group, run a command
>>>> shell window "as administrator", then run the installer in that window.
>>> Didn't you have to enable the Administrator account (which is disabled
>>> by default in Vista)?
>> Nope. The Administrator account still shows up as disabled.
> Strange, I had to. Had you enebled it previously and assinged a
> password?
> I couldn't use a "runas" command without a password. I never tried the
> Administrator-Disabled/Password-Assigned combination, only
> Administrator-Disabled/Password-Unassigned
> Administrator-Enabled/Password-Unassigned
> Administrator-Enabled/Password-Assigned
> the last of which worked.
> Or did you do something else, like turn off UAC?
Nope. I have, to the best of my knowledge, never touched the
Administrator account, and I still have UAC turned on. This is Vista
Business, which could (I suppose) make a difference.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    


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