Hi there,

I am a newcomer to Pyhton coming from Java working on a relatively
large Pyhton project with several packages and modules. To improve
exception handling I would like to introduce some user-defined
exceptions to distinguish between exceptions raised in self-written
code as compared to std libray modules used there-in.

Say, for instance I would like to define a MyParseError exception to
indicate that something has gone wrong while parsing a byte string, a
file, or while packing into or unpacking from a struct.Struct

Here is my stub-implemented idea on how to do it so far, which is
inspired by how I would have done it in Java (but which may not be
very Pythonic??):

class MyException(Exception):


class MyStandardError(MyException, StandardError):


class MyParseError(MyStandardError, ValueError):


Some comments and questions

1. The hierarchy is deliberately deep and maps to the std library such
that it is easier to extend
2. The implementations are empty but can be extended with hook for
logging, statistics, etc.
3. I use multiple inheritance in the two sub-classes. I have not tried
that before. Is this A Good Thing or A Bad Thing to do?
4. Which __xx__ methods would you normally implement for the user-
defined exception classes? I was thinking of __str__, for example? Is
there a recommended __str__ idiom to use for that?

-- Slaunger

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