I have an application that put on an old machine with a fresh Xubuntu installation (with Python 2.5). But I can't get the threading to work
The application was written on a combination of Windows XP and OpenSuse and has been running without any problems using Eclipse/ Pydev. However, now that I try to run the application using IDLE it just hangs. I have managed to track the point at which it hangs to the following line: for sitename in mysites: log.info("define thread") thread_list[search_engine]=threading.Thread(name=sitename, target=myproceedure, args=(sitename,)) log.info("done") thread_list[search_engine].start() log.info("Started") It gets to the "done" and then hangs. It doesn't appear to get to 'myproceedure'. The machine is an old Pentium II, with 256mb and 3gb spare on the HD. It doesn't appear to be having any problems with the other scripts I've ran. ALJ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list