Europython 2005 is now accepting talk submissions!

Find out more at

Just as last year, we have a Refereed Paper Track. Last day for
proposing a refereed paper is 22 April 2005.

For regular talks, we have the following tracks:
Python Frameworks
Python Language
Social skills and General Topics

We also have a special track for "Misfits" this year. It is
for any topic that is Python related but doesn't fit in
any of the above categories.

Last day for submitting talks to the regular tracks is
1 May 2005.

On top of this, we will have two tracks of Lightning Talks;
one for Zope/plone and one for other topics. You can register
talks for these all the time until the Lightning Talk
sessions end, or the schedule is filled, whichever comes first.

Europython 2005 will be held 27-29 June at the Chalmers University
of Techchnology, Göteborg, Sweden. Registration will open in

We hope this will become the best Europython Conference ever!
With your help it can. We are still seeking volunteers to help
us with a number of things. We have a recent vacancy as track
chair for Python Frameworks, and it is not too late to revive
the Applications Track. We also need people to help out in the
reception during the conference. Send an email to 

Jacob Hallén
Head organiser


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