Am Montag, 4. April 2005 12:23 schrieb Jim: > I can call MyFiles methods inside methods of the Brances classes. > I cannot call Numeric methods inside methods of the Brances classes. > > 1. I was surprised I could call MyFiles methods in Branches methods. > 2. Since I was used to using modules imported in the parent module I was > surprised I couldn't use Numeric methods.
1. I can't answer you this one without looking at the actual code, but 2. You can never call any methods/classes which you imported in a "parent" module (actually, there's no such motion as parent module, as each module has its own namespace, and references to this namespace may appear anywhere else in another module). In case this worked sometime ago and you didn't explicitly import the module in the "child" module, you silently did something like the following: ------- import Numeric import Mod2 # Put the namespace (module object) in another namespace Mod2.Numeric = Numeric <blah> ------- <blah> What you need for your simulation program is probably something like the following: ------------- import MyFiles import Branches import Numeric print MyFiles.Branches is Branches # True print MyFiles.Numeric is Numeric # True print Branches.Numeric is Numeric # True ---------- import Branches import Numeric print Branches.Numeric is Numeric # True ----------- import Numeric HTH! -- --- Heiko. listening to: aenima_13_aenima.mp3 see you at:
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