Hi all,

I've no idea if this will be of any use to anyone. But since I've gone
to the effort of writing it, I might as well make it publicly

Until last year, spam filtering was a source of frustration for me.
Freeware packages I tried (specifically, spamassassin and dspam) were
difficult to use. Custom rules using procmail were a pain.

Then I noticed that python came with email parsing capabilities in the
email module. So I thought that maybe custom rules in python would be
easier than (a) custom rules in procmail, or (b) deciphering the
documentation of a package. And a lot more fun.

It turned out to be very easy. I got the filter up in a few evenings,
and I've been using it successfully, and slowly enhancing it, over a
number of months.

In short: a success story for "using the batteries" - at least in my

Source code, and a bit of documentation, is at:


Peter Ballard

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