On Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:59:51 +0200, "Martin v. Löwis"

>Ron_Adam wrote:
>> This would be the same without the nesting:
>> def foo(xx):
>>     global x
>>     x = xx
>>     return fee
>> def fee(y):
>>     global x
>>     return y*x
>> z = foo(2)(6)
>Actually, it wouldn't.

Ok, yes, besides the globals, but I figured that part is obvious so I
didn't feel I needed to mention it.  The function call works the same
even though they are not nested functions. 

>> It's not entirely a misconception. Lets see where this goes...
>>>  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (foo)
>>>              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (2)
>>>              6 CALL_FUNCTION            1
>>>              9 LOAD_CONST               2 (6)
>>>             12 CALL_FUNCTION            1
>>>             15 RETURN_VALUE
>Hmm. If you think that this proves that (2)(6) is being *passed*, you
>still might have a misconception. What this really does is:

I didn't say they were passed at the same time by the stack.  It just
shows my reference to *stacks* was correct, and that there's is an
underlying mechanism for calling functions and passing arguments and
functions that use the stack. I however was not yet aware (yesterday
afternoon) of just how the stack worked in this case.  This was very
much a figure it out as you go exercise. 

Yesterday, I had made the incorrect judgement that since the functions
are all nested inside a defined function, that I should treat them as
a group instead of individual functions.  But that wasn't the correct
way of viewing it.  They are in a group in that they share name space,
so I figured, (incorectly), that they shared an argument list somehow,
and those where passed to the group.  The passing of the function, and
it's arguments silently was a big reason for me jumping to this

So my reference to:

>>The interesting thing about this is the 'return fee' statement gets
>>the (6) apparently appended to it. So it becomes 'return fee(6).

Which is not correct, as the order of events is wrong and they do not
share a common argument list.

The correct order is:

return fee
with the fee(6) being evaluated after the return statement is

Another contributing factor is two days of really poor sleep. Which
probably is a bigger factor than I would like to admit. I really feel
I should have gotten it much sooner.  But I did get-it, a little bit
at a time, and had a lot of terrific help along the way. :-) 


>> Or it could be said equally the functions (objects) are passed with
>> the stack. So both view are correct depending on the view point that
>> is chosen.
>Maybe I don't understand your view, when you said
># No, I did not know that you could pass multiple sets of arguments to
># nested defined functions in that manner.

My views have changed as I added the missing peices to the puzzle

At first I didn't see how they were passed at all, in a group or
otherwise. There wasn't any one-to-one way to match the arguments up
visually like there are in a normal function call.

My next thought was they are passed as a group, to the group of
defined functions that shared the same name space. (Everyone seems to
think I'm stuck on this one.) 

My Next view, yesterday afternoon, was they were passed on a stack
somehow one at a time. This last one is not necessarily incorrect from
a byte code viewpoint, but it's not the best way to view the problem. 

Today I believe I have the correct view as I've said this morning. I
could be wrong yet again. I hope not though I might have to give up
programming. :/

It's interesting that I have had several others tell me they had
trouble with this too.

So it is my opinion that decorators are a little too implicit.  I
think there should be a way to make them easier to use while achieving
the same objective and use. 

Thanks again for the reply,  :)



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