On 2008-11-04 18:52, k3xji wrote:
> Hi all,
> As development goes on for a server project, it turns out that I am
> using the MySQLDB and DB interactions excessively. One questions is
> just bothering me, why don't we have a timeout for queries in PEP 249
> (DB API)?
> Is it really safe to wait for a query to finish, means, is it always
> returning, even if the DB server goes down?
> And, also from my point view, it may be a good feature. We may use
> long/non-critical DB queries with a timeout and slow/critical without
> a timeout. This will give us a little chance to prioritize/consume
> queries on their criticality? And, I don't see so much effort in
> implementing this. One has to change the socket logic in the related
> DB's API source code?
> What do you think?

This would be a question for the Python DB-SIG mailing list.

Things like timeouts and handling of these is generally something
that is very database specific. It is difficult to provide a reliable
way of configuring this and may very well not even be within the
scope of a database API (e.g. because the timeout has to be
configured in the database server using some config file).

I'd suggest you check whether MySQL provides a way to set timeouts
and you then just use that for your project.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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