There is no event handle used in Event object (for NT at least). Do not know about Linux...
And there's no handle at all? It's not important if it's not an event handle as long as it is an handle usable with WaitForMultipleObjects.
Also, I don't understand how it will be possible to implement threading.Event without using finally, at the lower level, a handle, since as far as I know this is the mechanisms the OS offers.
Unless you want to rewrite the interpreter (namelly PyThread_allocate_lock.c) for platforms you are talking about, you would be better of, if you create your own class (derived from Event, and ovewritte aquire, release and wait methods).
I wouldn't want to derive from Event since my goal would be to submit a patch to make subprocess.Popen.wait take an optional threading.Event to kill the process.
Regards, Nicolas --