hi all,
i've successfully built Python-2.4.1 from src on OSX 10.3.8 as a framework install with:
./configure \ --enable-framework \ --with-threads \ --with-cxx=g++ \ --enable-ipv6 \ --enable-toolbox-glue
make frameworkinstall
i'm next attempting to build same but linking against an external instance of libxml2 (v2.6.18) installed in /usr/local ...
i've tried the ususal combinations of setting LDFLAGS and/or assigning --with-libs (="/usr/local/lib/libxml2.2.6.18.dylib"), to no avail.
no matter what i do, the build links against the 'native' /usr/lib/libxml* ... successful w/ no error, just the 'wrong' lib.
wondering whether i had unusual path probs, i also tried mv'ing the native libs out of the way, so that the only instance of libxml* is found in /usr/local/lib, but then the make fails, complaining that /usr/lib/libxml* is not found. sigh.
i'm fairly sure i'm missing something trivial here ...
any suggestions/pointers as to how to link *my* libxml into the framework build?
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