
Alfons Nonell-Canals wrote:
I've developed a program using python that have to connect to a mysql
server several times.

In a local machine (running the program in the same machine where the
mysql server is) I have no problems. I can run several instances of the
program at the same time with no problem.

Them problem arrives when I try to distribute the tasks to different
machines, for example, in a cluster. In this situation, the machine that
runs the python program is different than the machine that hosts the
If I run the python program only an other machine, only one run of the
program, there is no problem. But, If I run the program in different
machines, all of them connecting to the same database server, randomly,
it crash. Crash all running programs! at the same time.

The output is clear:

_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL
server on 'HOST' (110)")

It is clearly related with the connection to the mySQL server. As I
said, it only happens when there are more than one programs running in
different machines (or in the same) but conecting to a mysql server that
is in an other machine. And... it is random, sometimes happens and
sometimes no...

Maybe there is a certain connection limit which hits if your client
programms reconnect in random order? I saw this on some PHP web sites.

Probably some configuration adjustments and persistent connections
could help you in this situation.

Also, was the choice of MySQL a conscious one?


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