Artie Gold wrote:

> Torsten Bronger wrote:
>> Hallöchen!
>> Daniel Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>Shriram Krishnamurthi has just announced the following elsewhere; it
>>>might be of interest to c.l.s, c.l.f, and c.l.p:
>>>                The Fate Of LAMBDA in PLT Scheme v300
>>>                                 or
>>>                  Lambda the Ultimate Design Flaw
>>>About 30 years ago, Scheme had FILTER and MAP courtesy of Lisp
>>>hackers who missed them from their past experience.  To this
>>>collection, Scheme added a lexically-scoped, properly-functioning
>>>LAMBDA.  But, despite of the PR value of anything with Guy
>>>Steele's name associated with it, we think these features should
>>>be cut from PLT Scheme v300.
>> The whole text seems to be a variant of
>> <>.
>> Tschö,
>> Torsten.
> Ya think? ;-)
> --ag

Wow, the original is much funnier than the "joke"! (Because it's meant

"plus the lambda is slower than the list comprehension" - ROTFL!

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