Glenn Linderman wrote:
On approximately 10/24/2008 8:39 PM, came the following characters from the keyboard of Terry Reedy:
Glenn Linderman wrote:

For example, Python presently has a rather stupid algorithm for string concatenation.

Yes, CPython2.x, x<=5 did.

Python the language has syntax and semantics. Python implementations have algorithms that fulfill the defined semantics.

I can buy that, but when Python is not qualified, CPython should be assumed, as it predominates.

People do that, and it sometimes leads to unnecessary confusion. As to the present discussion, is it about
* changing Python, the language
* changing all Python implementations
* changing CPython, the leading implementation
* branching CPython with a compiler switch, much as there was one for including Unicode or not.
* forking CPython
* modifying an existing module
* adding a new module
* making better use of the existing facilities
* some combination of the above

> Of course, the latest official release
should probably also be assumed, but that is so recent,

People do that, and it sometimes leads to unnecessary confusion. People routine posted version specific problems and questions without specifying the version (or platform when relevant). In a month or so, there will be *2* latest official releases. There will be more confusion without qualification.

few have likely upgraded as yet... I should have qualified the statement.

* Is the target of this discussion 2.7 or 3.1 (some changes would be 3.1 only).

[diversion to the side topic]

If there is more than one reference to a guaranteed immutable object, such as a string, the 'stupid' algorithm seem necessary to me. In-place modification of a shared immutable would violate semantics.

Absolutely. But after the first iteration, there is only one reference to string.

Which is to say, 'string' is the only reference to its object it refers too. You are right, so I presume that the optimization described would then kick in. But I have not read the code, and CPython optimizations are not part of the *language* reference.

[back to the main topic]

There is some discussion/debate/confusion about how much of the stdlib is 'standard Python library' versus 'standard CPython library'. [And there is some feeling that standard Python modules should have a default Python implementation that any implementation can use until it optionally replaces it with a faster compiled version.] Hence my question about the target of this discussion and the first three options listed above.

Terry Jan Reedy


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