Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
MRAB a écrit :
On Oct 19, 5:47 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
Pat a écrit :
ip = ip[ :-1 ]
ip =+ '9'

ip = ip[:-1]+"9"

 >>> re.sub(r'^(((\d+)\.){3})\d+$', "\g<1>9", "")

re.sub(r'^(((\d+)\.){3})\d+$', "\g<1>9", "")

The regular expression changes the last sequence of digits to
"9" ("" => "") but the other code replaces the
last digit ("" => "").

Mmm - yes, true.

ip = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3] + ['9'])

As I first stated, in my very particular case, I knew that the last octet was always going to be a single digit.

But I did learn a lot from everyone else's posts for the more generic cases. thx!

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