On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 11:44:04 -0700 (PDT), "John [H2O]"

>Thanks for the clarification.
>What is strange though, is that I have several Fortran programs that create
>the exact same array srtucture... wouldn't they be restricted to the 2Gb
>limit as well?

Depends on lot of things, as Mark has hinted.
But, why are you rewriting fortran subroutines to py ? Expecially for
this kind of array processing.

And, if it's no secret, would you mind telling what do you need an
array of that size for ?
I cannot think of many uses that would require an array of that size
and that many dimensions, which couldn't be rewritten in a more
efficient manner, to several smaller arrays.


>Thoughts on a more efficient work around?

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