Gilles Ganault wrote:
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 00:24:01 -0200, "Gabriel Genellina"
In case you didn't notice, B.D. already provided the answer you're after - reread his 3rd paragraph from the end.

Yes, but it doesn't work with this wrapper (APSW version 3.5.9-r1):

The recommended way is to pass the arguments to cursor.execute, ie:

I'm getting an error when doing it this way:

isbn = "123"
sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE isbn='%s'"

#Incorrect number of bindings supplied.  The current statement uses 0
and there are 1 supplied.  Current offset is 0
cursor.execute(sql, (isbn,))

I don't know enough about Python and this wrapper to tell why it
triggers an error.

you want:
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        count = row[0]
        if not count:

This wrapper doesn't seem to support fetchone():

#AttributeError: 'apsw.Cursor' object has no attribute 'fetchone'
row = cursor.fetchone() [...]

Directly calling next() should probably do the trick with APSW. Its cursors support the iterator interface and iterators are implemented by providing __iter__() and next() methods.

-- Gerhard


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