On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Jani Tiainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have rather simple 'Address' object that contains streetname,
> number, my own status and x,y coordinates for it. I have two lists
> both containing approximately 30000 addresses.
> I've defined __eq__ method in my class like this:
>    def __eq__(self, other):
>        return self.xcoord == other.xcoord and \
>            self.ycoord == other.ycoord and \
>            self.streetname == other.streetname and \
>            self.streetno == other.streetno
> But it turns out to be very, very slow.
> Then I setup two lists:
> list_external = getexternal()
> list_internal = getinternal()
> Now I need get all all addresses from 'list_external' that are not in
> 'list_internal', and mark them as "new".
> I did it like this:
> for addr in list_external:
>    if addr not in list_internal:
>        addr.status = 1 # New address
> But in my case running that loop takes about 10 minutes. What I am
> doing wrong?
Sorry I don't see what you're doing wrong,
except I'lde write "if not ( addr in list  internal) :"

but you might consider using dictionaries.
A couple of days ago I did some speed comparison between C and Python.
We used the lookup of a string in a hash table (= dictionary in Python),
the results were amazing:
Search string was between 50 and 100 characters.
The table / dictionary was build with 10 million strings, each also 50 ..
100 characters long.
We repeated the search 100 million times and measured the time.

Code length:
C, about 150 lines of unreadable code
Python: about 20 lines of very easy to read code lines

Development time
C : 1.5 days
Python : 20 minutes

Execution time:
C: 20 seconds
Python: 11 seconds !!

Who dares to ask Python is slow ?


C: 20 seconds

> --
> Jani Tiainen
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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