"Tom Carrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
| Hi,
| In my attempted learning of python, I've decided to recode an old
| anagram solving program I made in C++. The C++ version runs in less
| than a second, while the python takes 30 seconds. I'm not willing to
| think it's just python being slow, so I was hoping someone could find
| a faster way of doing this. Also, I was wondering if there was a more
| builtin, or just nicer way of converting a string to a list (or using
| the sort function on a list) than making a function for it.
| The words.txt here is just a copy of FreeBSD's /usr/share/dict/words
| Anyway, the code:
| import string

You're importing string, but never use it, so you can omit that line.

| # Need a function to convert a string to a list to be
| # able to use the sort() function
| def string2list(s):
|    l = []
|    for i in range(0, len(s)):
|        l.append(s[i])
|    return l

No need to write your own function. list(s) already does the trick.

| words = []
| found = []
| anagram = raw_input("Find anagrams of word: ")
| f = open('words.txt', 'r')
| file = f.read()
| f.close()

I don't have a copy of words.txt, but here's what I would try

anagram = raw_input("Find anagrams of word: ")
sorted_anagram = list(sorted(anagram.lower()))
# If you're Python is pre 2.4 ise
# sorted_anagram = list(anagram.lower())
# sorted_anagram.sort() #--sort list in place

found = []
# assuming "words.txt" contains a word per line
# iterate over the lines of the file

for line in open("/path/to/words.txt"):
    word = line[:-1]    # Get rid of trailing newline
    sorted_word = list(sorted(word.lower()))
    if sorted_word == sorted_anagram:
if found:
    print "Anagrams of %s:" % anagram
    for w in found:
        print w
    print "No anagrams for %s" % anagram


Vincent Wehren


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