Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> Aaron Brady <cast...pigmail.com> wrote:
>> while 1:
>>    calculate_stuff( )
>>    if stuff < 0.00005:
>>        break
> The thought police will come and get you.
> You are doing things by "side effect"!
> You are using a global called "stuff"!
> You are relying on an implementation
> detail!
> While their cudgels are bouncing off
> your skull, they will scream the above three
> lines into your swiftly swelling ears!
> I suggest you write;
> while True:
>     stuff = calculate_stuff()
>     if stuff < 0.00005:
>         break
> quickly, to avoid the pain!
> It may be too late though - even the
> above sanitised version is still too
> tightly coupled - how must
> calculate_stuff know where to find
> the inputs for its calculation?
> You are gonna bleed!
> :-)
Indeed I fear Mr. Brady must expect a visit from the PSU. This highly
secretive organization is known to attack anyone who
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