Gandalf wrote:
On Oct 18, 12:39 pm, Duncan Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gandalf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
how can I do width python a normal for loop width tree conditions like
for example :
for x=1;x<=100;x+x:
    print x
What you wrote would appear to be an infinite loop so I'll assume you meant
to assign something to x each time round the loop as well. The simple
Python translation of what I think you meant would be:

x = 1
while x <= 100:
   print x
   x += x

If you really insist on doing it with a for loop:

def doubling(start, limit):
    x = start
    while x <= limit:
        yield x
        x += x


for x in doubling(1, 100):
    print x

I was hopping to describe it with only one command. most of the
languages I know use this.
It seems weird to me their is no such thing in python. it's not that I
can't fined a solution it's all about saving code

Python: 'makes common things easy and uncommon things possible'.

The large majority of use cases for iteration are iterating though sequences, actual and virtual, including integers with a constant step size. Python make that trivial to do and clear to read. Your example is trivially written as

for i in range(11):
  print 2**i

Python provide while loops for more fine-grain control, and a protocol so *reuseable* iterators can plug into for loops. Duncan showed you both. If you *need* a doubling loop variable once, you probably need one more than once, and the cost of the doubling generator is amortized over all such uses. Any Python proprammer should definitely know how to write such a thing without hardly thinking. We can squeeze a line out of this particular example:

def doubling(value, limit):
  while value <= limit:
    yield value
    value += value

Terry Jan Reedy


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