On 18 Okt, 06:18, Kara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,everyone.I'm a greenhand on Moin.I want to change my left-side of
> index like Python.org that if you click one link in left-Side, it will
> show sub-dirs under the link.So would you give me some "practise in
> action" or ideas?

The www.python.org site doesn't use MoinMoin, but wiki.python.org
does. Unfortunately, the latter doesn't employ submenus like the main
site does: you only get a customised version of the usual MoinMoin
"navibar" or navigation menu.

For a long time I've been tempted to make a category menu macro for
MoinMoin, especially since this kind of thing is usually the thing
that people show off as a magical feature of certain content
management systems. Perhaps I'll try and write something and upload it
to the macro market:



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