hello, If you run the Mainboard monitor, speedfan, here is an ActivePython script to force automatic fan control. ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂhttp://www.almico.com/speedfan.php
It's a great example of how clean the WinApi interface is in ActivePython. The script sets focus to the checkbox of interest and toggles the checkbox. AFAIK, speedfan will only start without fan control, requiring the user to manually check the checkbox to turn it on. hope someone finds it useful, tlviewer #!/usr/bin/python # author: [EMAIL PROTECTED] # date: April 1, 2005 # description: turn on SpeedFan automatic fan speed # keywords: speedfan readings #import win32api as ap import win32gui as wi import win32ui as ui import win32con as wc # dialog class name cl = "TJvXPCheckbox" try: ÂÂÂÂhWndÂ=Âwi.FindWindowEx(Â0,Â0,Â"TForm1",Â"SpeedFanÂ4.20") ÂÂÂÂprintÂhWnd ÂÂÂÂhWndÂ=Âwi.FindWindowEx(ÂhWnd,Â0,Â"TPageControl",Â"") ÂÂÂÂprintÂhWnd ÂÂÂÂhWndÂ=Âwi.FindWindowEx(ÂhWnd,Â0,Â"TTabSheet",Â"Readings") ÂÂÂÂprintÂhWnd ÂÂÂÂhWndÂ=Âwi.FindWindowEx(ÂhWnd,Â0,Âcl,Â"AutomaticÂfanÂspeed")  ÂÂÂÂprintÂhWnd ÂÂÂÂresÂ=Âwi.SetForegroundWindow(hWnd) ÂÂÂÂres=wi.SendMessageTimeout(hWnd,wc.WM_LBUTTONDOWN,wc.MK_LBUTTON,0,2,75) ÂÂÂÂresÂ=Âwi.SendMessageTimeout(ÂhWnd,wc.WM_LBUTTONUP,Â0,Â0,Â2,Â75Â) ÂÂÂÂprintÂres except: ÂÂÂÂpass #end code -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list