Hi All,

I'm switching to python from perl, and like the language a ton, but I
find pdb and pydb to be vastly inferior debuggers to the perl version.

In particular, I've grown very used to stepping into arbitrary
functions interactively.  For instance, in perl you can do this:

Does anyone have advice on any macros or something that i could use to
do this?

Additionally, what do people recommend as good "advanced" python
debugger guides?  Explaining breakpoints and all is useful, but I
really want to know how to make sophisticated macros and interact with
the debugger from the interactive prompt.


I'd strongly recommend you try Wing Pro IDE (Windows or *IX)


Free 30 day trial (10 days at a time). You can download and fully use the program (it's not crippled) without having to use a credit card. $179/user/operating system.

Absolutely great for debugging code. You can take chunks of code and put into the integrated Python shell (a Wing pane) and test it out.

As I'm writing code, I test out each line then blocks of code. While running the program, the integrated Python shell recognizes your variables and you can modify them on the fly.

I found Eclipse to be inscrutable for Python but I was able to understand and use Wing within an hour or so. There's a free showmedo.com video of the Wing IDE (http://showmedo.com/videos/video?name=pythonOzsvaldWingIDEIntro)

Wing IDE Pro is missing some features that Eclipse has but I thought that Wing was so much better than Eclipse that I paid for Wing Pro. The license allowed me to put it on my home and work computers. I am in no way affiliated with the company except that I'm a very satisfied customer.

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