> Does anyone know how to properly kick off a script using Windows
> Scheduled Task? The script calls other python modules within itself.
> I am used to running the script directly from the command window and
> the print() is very handy for us to debug and monitor. When running
> the task from Windows Scheduled Task, we'd like to be able to view the
> command window and keep it up after the Task has completed...
> I used the commands
> CMD /K
> cd C:\testdirectory\script_RunTests
> python AutomatedTestRun.py
> but when AutomatedTestRun.py calls other python modules, we don't see
> output.

Import os and add os.system("pause") at the end of AutomatedTestRun.py
to keep cmd open.

As far as not seeing any output, I haven't had any trouble with that
before. Maybe you're doing something unusual?

Have you tried using the logging module, rather than print? Might be
more useful for what you're trying to do.



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