En Sun, 12 Oct 2008 23:45:15 -0300, W. eWatson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The meat of the matter is the Fatal error msg I copied below. To me it
indicates a serious error. Maybe some developer can sort it out.
From above post.
Ah, a tiny break through. I got
C:\Python24\python myprogram.py aprog.py. I copied the program to this
I don't seem to be able to copy the window, so I see pretty much what I
had before from a dialog that popped up, except it adds:
Fatal Python error: Pystring_InterInPlace: strings only please! <-Meat!
The rest is about the run time error [, and of zippo help].
This (Pystring) seems quite relevant, but I have no idea what.
Python 2.4 is almost four years old now, and unmaintained. Chances are the
bug is already fixed. With 2.6 already released (and 3.0 soon to be) I
think it's highly improbable any developer will show interest in this - in
any case, almost noone will notice unless you file a bug at bugs.python.org
Gabriel Genellina