Hi I got some programming experience and I recently started looking into Python. I've read much of the tutorial from 2.6 documentation. But it was more interesting to get started on something I needed. I'm trying to create a script that creates a variable list (just a txt file to be included in bash scripts) with hosts from LDAP. The file will include some static entries and the hosts based on 'cn', 'ipHostNumber' and I might as well set the 'description' as commen,t when the list from LDAP is created. I got all the entries in the variable "raw_res" and I now got some doubts on how to split each value up in every entry. Belove you can see one of entries printed from the loop. cn=world.dom.dk,ou=Hosts,o=Users,dc=dom,dc=dk', {'ipHostNumber': [''], 'cn': ['world.dom.dk'], 'description': ['Mail&webserver']})"
I've tried different things, but don't quite know to split the tuple. The examples I've seen is with a nice clean list ("a", "b", "z"), and mine is full of special characters and etc., so some direction would be appreciated. /Lars ---------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python import ldap, sys, ldif # .: LDAP Connection Settings :. server="NA" username="NA" passwd="NA" basedn="NA" try: l = ldap.initialize(server) l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 l.simple_bind(username, passwd) filter = '(objectClass=ipHost)' attrs = ['cn','ipHostNumber','description'] raw_res = l.search_s( basedn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, attrs ) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: print "Your username or password is incorrect." sys.exit() except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e sys.exit() #print raw_res for I in range(len(raw_res)): print I, ": ", l.unbind() -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list