Hi, I defined a class called vec3 which contains x, y, z and in another function, I tried to call a function which takes a vec3 as a parameter, but it seems that parameter is passed as a generic object and I can not access x , y, z in my vec3. Could anyone help me with that?
class vec3: def __init__(self, x_ = 0.0, y_ = 0.0, z_ = 0.0): self.x = x_ self.y = y_ self.z = z_ class mat4: def translation( traV = vec3() ): tranM.rowLst[index][0] = traV.x AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'x' Could anyone help me how to turn the traV as type of vec3() instead of NoneType object? Thanks a lot, Wei
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