Peter Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
>> So just remove the parentheses and you'll be fine.
> No, you change the function signature in the process.
> f = lambda (a, b): a*b
> is equivalent to
> def f((a, b)): # double parens
>    return a*b
> and called as f(arg) where arg is an iterable with two items.
> In 3.0 it has to be rewritten as
> def f(ab):
>     a, b = ab
>     return a*b
> i. e. it needs a statement and an expression and is therefore no
> longer suitable for a lambda.

Exactly! Maybe it is the callback-heavy programming style encouraged by
Twisted that is at fault here, but I quite like it and am sorry to see
it made more difficult.

A somewhat related question: do I pay a performance penalty when I let a
function define an inner function like this:

  def foo():

    def bar()


compared to just defining it once outside:

  def bar():

  def foo():

I'm thinking that each execution of the first foo could spend a little
time defining a new bar each time, or is that not how things work?

I realize that defining bar as an inner function has the advantage of
being able to see variables in the namespace of foo.

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
SMPC (Secure Multi-Party Computation) to Python. See:

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