Larry Hastings wrote:
Can someone tell me what made it 80% larger?

python24.dll includes many of the extension modules that were separate .pyd files in 2.3, namely _csv, _sre, _symtable, _winreg, datetime, mmap, and parser, i.e. all extension modules that don't require specific libraries. Furthermore, a few builtin modules where added to 2.4 that were not present in 2.3 at all.

> Also, how much would I be able to trim away if
> I recompiled it myself?

Hard to tell. I think people have been able to get it down to 180k.

> Is a lot of it native
implementations of Python libraries that I might not care about
including, or is it all fundamental VM stuff that couldn't possibly be

No. Most of it is modules, followed by objects. Removing modules is easy; removing objects is more difficult: while you could make a Python interpreter easily that does not support complex numbers, it is much harder to build a Python interpreter that does not support weak references.


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