Is there an interactive Python shell on Windows that supports:

- easy copy-pasting to/from an editor? (as opposed to the cumbersome
"mark", "copy" and then "paste" sequence that any terminal on Windows
seems forced to adopt)

- readline-like command history (up/down for previous/next command,
Ctr-R for searching, etc) ?

Yes. The Windows command shell does all these
things. To do use mouse selecting and right-click
pasting, go to the System Menu on your console and select
Properties > Options > Quick Edit Mode. You can then
use the mouse to select an area (as though on notepad)
and <Enter> to select. Likewise, already-selected text
can be right-click pasted straight in. I use this whenever
I'm posting code-samples to this list: I work them up in
a console, select-copy them out, paste them into an email,
then select-copy them back and paste into a new console
to make sure I haven't made any assumptions.

Check out the use of up/down arrows as usual, plus
F7 for history and F8 for history-completion.

It's not everyone's cup of tea but I've been using
it happily for years.


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