Alex Snast wrote:
Hi guys, I've been learning python in the past week and tried to
implement a q.sort algorithm in python as follows:
def quick_sort(l, first, last)
if first < last:
q = partition(a, first, last)
You changed the name of the list to be sorted from 'l' to 'a'.
Please post code that works by cut-and-paste.
quick_sort(a, first, q - 1)
quick_sort(a, q + 1, last)
def partition(a, first, last):
import random
pivot = random.randomint(first, last)
a[last], a[pivot] = a[pivot], a[last]
i = first
for j in range(first, last):
if a[j] <= a[last]:
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
i += 1
a[i], a[last] = a[last], a[i]
return i
Now as you can see I'm passing my list object to both functions along
with their first, last indices
My question is: Is that the normal way to implement algorithms in
python cause in c++ i've implemented that algo via a template function
which can have a randon access data structure or not. However i have
no idea how to access the values of a data structure that doesn't
allow random access.
That depends on the data structure. Access to a singly-linked list is
by linear scanning from the front.