Hi If i rephrase my question how will i do this in Python
http://informationr.net/ir/13-2/TB0806.html Watch this query on the page Where he joins all different kind of things with ease and elegance(as per my opinion) [code] var stoogeGuys = Beginning with the XML source from xmlGuys in xmlSource.Descendants("Stooge") Join to the array on the common element "stoogeName" join arrayGuys in familyFacts on xmlGuys.Element("stoogeName").Value equals arrayGuys.stoogeName Join to the database on the common element "stoogeName" join dbGuys in stoogeContext.stoogeTables on xmlGuys.Element("stoogeName").Value equals dbGuys.stoogeName select new { firstName = dbGuys.stoogeName, familyName = arrayGuys.familyName, birthDate = xmlGuys.Element("birthDate").Value, deathDate = xmlGuys.Element("deathDate").Value, hairCutStyle = dbGuys.stoogeHaircut, }; [/code] regards Hrishy -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list