Asun Friere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > A canonical use of the conditional operator is in > pluralising words, (eg. '%s dollar' % n + 's' if n!=1 else '').
That fails for n == 1. So what is best? for i in range(4): print '%d thing' % i + ('s' if i != 1 else '') for i in range(4): print '%d thing%s' % (i, ('s', '')[i==1]) for i in range(4): print '%d thing%s' % (i, 's' if i != 1 else '') -- Pete Forman -./\.- Disclaimer: This post is originated WesternGeco -./\.- by myself and does not represent [EMAIL PROTECTED] -./\.- the opinion of Schlumberger or -./\.- WesternGeco. --