hi! could anyone give their input on my previous post about timer and threading...] pleaseee...
A few bits of unrequested advice which might help you get more and better responses (though the ones you have got in the past already appear to be above and beyond the call of duty, given your apparent lack of actually following advice you are given):
1. It's most annoying that you are not taking even a bit of time to "prune" the useless quoted material from your messages (notice how I've done it in this one). From a netiquette point of view, that's considered rude and reduces the level of respect you will be shown.
1.5. Don't "top-post"! That's when you put your reply *above* the material you are replying to, and it's very frustrating and against widely followed conventions. Take the time to prune quoted material to the minimum, then add your comments inline as I've done in this message, not all at the top.
1.6. Always start a new thread when you have a new request. One reason you might not have got replies to this latest request yet is that you posted it as a followup to the previous thread. Many people have already done their version of "hitting the 'k' key" and killed the thread, meaning they won't see any additional messages that are posted in reply to existing messages in this thread.
2. Pay closer attention to the requests you get from those trying to help you. For example, you were asked a number of times to clean up some of the unnecessary or confusing or redundant code in the programs you were posting, but you never bothered. Here it looks like you are not willing to make an effort.
3. Trust that in this newsgroup, more than perhaps almost
any other, if you don't get a reply it's not because nobody
read your message, and begging will just annoy people. In
any event, be patient, then assume that your request was
inadequate in some way and don't just try reposting, try
instead to figure out what you did wrong and when you post
again, *improve* your request in some way. It might help
if you study and follow some of the advice in the essay at http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html .
my program seemed to just run first the thread then when it encounters error on the thread that's the time that other part of the program got the chance to be executed even the timer even is not executed while the thread is running
I suspect the reason no one replied (and here I really hope you'll refer to item 2. above), is that you didn't post anything resembling working code, and out of context it's unclear what you are talking about. There are dozens of ways of interpreting your code and your request, and it's impossible to guess exactly which you meant.
For example, it seems like you might have meant to say "will the thread be executed" instead of "exited", but I'm not sure.
And you don't show the imports you used, so nobody can tell for sure whether you are referring to the "threading" module and the "timer" module, or just to threading and maybe timers in general. wxPython, for example, also has a timer object.
More importantly, your code can't be executed, so we're just shooting in the dark if we try to figure out how you are getting "someTimerEvent" to execute, if indeed it is a function. The "def" statements don't have colons after them, so we're not even sure you are asking about how to do something, or perhaps you have code that is just not compiling because it is syntactically incorrect.
In a nutshell, do the most you possibly can to help us out, and you'll get timely and effective help. Otherwise you may get silence, and "pleaseee" will just sound like whining.
Please take this in the helpful spirit in which it was intended.
-Peter -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list