Steven D'Aprano schreef:
> Your "ascii_to_bin" method tries to do too much in one method. You should 
> split the functionality into small, self-contained pieces, then combine 
> them. And frankly, once you got to the part where you started popping and 
> inserting, my brain melted. You are making an easy job too hard! *smiles*
It's a bad habit, I can't help it. From now on, I'll follow your advice
to split the functionality into small, self-contained pieces. That
popping and inserting is just a workaround for another workaround.

> Try this instead:
> class Converterab:
>     '''
>     Ascii-binary converter.
>     '''
>     def __init__(self, string):
>         self.string = string
>     def bin(self, n):
>         """Return the binary representation of a positive integer n."""
>         bindump = []
>         while n > 0:
>             bindump.append(str(n & 1))
>             n = n >> 1
>         bindump.reverse()
>         if bindump:
>             return ''.join(bindump)
>         else:
>             return '0'
>     def char_to_bin(self, c):
>         """Return the binary representation of a character c."""
>         bits = self.bin(ord(c))
>         zeroes = "0" * (8-len(bits))
>         return zeroes+bits
>     def ascii_to_bin(self):
>         results = []
>         for c in self.string:
>             results.append(self.char_to_bin(c))
>         return ''.join(results)

I've spend 3 days to find out what did I do wrong, but you did it in
just half an hour/more. You're my hero.

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