this is my code import sys, os, glob, datetime, time import smtplib ## Parameters for SMTP session port=587 SMTPserver= '' SMTPuser= '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' pw= 'fill in here' SENDER= SMTPuser
## Message details FROM= SENDER TO= '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' CC=FROM ##RECEIVERS= (TO, CC) ##proper way to send to both TO and CC RECEIVERS= (TO,) ## ignore the CC address subject= 'Test 1a' message='*** Email test *** ' print 'Starting SMTP mail session on %s as %s ' % (SMTPserver,SMTPuser) session = smtplib.SMTP(SMTPserver,port) session.set_debuglevel(0) # set debug level to 1 to see details session.ehlo(SMTPuser) # say hello session.starttls() # TLS needed session.ehlo(SMTPuser) # say hello again, not sure why session.login(SMTPuser, pw) ##Create HEADER + MESSAGE HEADER= 'From: %s\r\n' % FROM HEADER= HEADER + 'To: %s\r\n' % TO HEADER= HEADER + 'Cc: %s\r\n' % CC HEADER= HEADER + 'Subject: %s\r\n' % subject BODY= HEADER + '\r\n' + message print BODY SMTPresult = session.sendmail(SENDER, RECEIVERS, BODY) ## send email session.close() Now when i run this .py python i can see only statement starting smtp mail......n details then nothing on screen after few minutes or after pressing ctrl +c Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 21, in <module> session = smtplib.SMTP(SMTPserver,port) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/", line 244, in __init__ (code, msg) = self.connect(host, port) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/", line 301, in connect self.sock.connect(sa) File "<string>", line 1, in connect or may be conncetion time out wats the solution for this --