Steven Bethard wrote:

py> import numarray as na py> tbl = na.zeros((32, 16)) py> def get_value(): ... data = test() ... c1 = data[0] ... c2 = data[1] ... print tbl[c1, c2] ... py> def test(): ... t1 = 0x0 ... t2 = 0x1 ... return tbl[t1, t2] ... py> get_value() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ? File "<interactive input>", line 3, in get_value TypeError: unsubscriptable object

What i was intending to do is return a list with row and column values.

data[0] and data[1] are the list values i get from test.

Whats the best way to read these row and column values in function
get_value() when i return the list (return tbl[t1, t2])

Still not sure I understand you. Are you wanting c1 and c2 to retrieve the values that t1 and t2 had? (That is, 0x0 and 0x1?) Or do you want c1 and c2 to hold the first row and the first column? Or something else?


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