In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ron Garret wrote:
> >>>>foo(int)
> >>>>foo(float)
> >>>>foo(dict)
> >>>>foo(list)
> >>>>foo(str)
> > TypeError: cannot create weak reference to 'C' object
> > 
> >>>>foo(tuple) 
> > TypeError: cannot create weak reference to 'C' object
> > 
> >>>>foo(long)
> > TypeError: cannot create weak reference to 'C' object
> > 
> > Ah, it appears that non-immediate immutable types don't support 
> > weakrefs.  Hm...
> I see the same results you do, and yet I don't understand
> the comment.  Can you please explain what "immediate"
> means in this context?

"Immediate" means a data type that will fit entirely in a machine 
register, and therefore doesn't need to actually be stored in memory.  
Ints and floats are the only two immediate types in Python.  They are 
immutable, but you can still create weakrefs to classes that derive from 


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