Dear Pythoners, I know this will probably be perceived as 'evil voodoo', and fair enough: it probably is. I guess it is unpythonic.
.. but I want to know how to do it anyway - mostly for my own interest. Consider the following snippet of code: --- def Get( *names ): if not names: return None frame = sys._getframe(1) prevFrameLocals = frame.f_locals for name in names: prevFrameLocals[ name ] = FetchObjectNamed( name ) Get("a", "b", "c") print a, b, c --- FetchObjectNamed() is an arbitrary function which takes a string and returns an object it got from some store somewhere. This works fine at the module level, because names in the locals/ globals dictionary can be played with in this way. The idea is to save lots of typing, i.e. a, b, c = Get("a","b","c") ..gets frustrating after much typing for many objects with long names. This is just an example, there are other instances I have where it would be nice to inject names into the frame above. Of course, we hit a road block when we call 'Get' from a function rather than a module, because the locals dictionary does not get copied back into the code object automatically, so we have to add this snippet before the Get() function returns: from ctypes import pythonapi, py_object, c_int pythonapi.PyFrame_LocalsToFast( py_object( frame ), 1 ) This copies back the names into the code object, and works fine.. that is, if the names already exist within the code object. def MyFunction(): a = None Get("a") print a # Works Get("b") print b # Name error, b is undefined Is there any way for Get() to define a new variable within MyFunction's code object? Or is there any programmatic way to, at runtime, insert new names into functions? I don't care how hacky it is and whether it requires making calls to python's internals with ctypes - maybe the whole code object needs to be replaced? is it even possible to do that when the Get() function is about to return to this new code object? Cheers, - Peter --