Thanks a lot for all your answers. There's quite some things I learnt :-)
[v1,v2,v3] = ... can be typed as v1,v2,v3 = . . . I also wasn't used to map(myhash.get, ['one', 'two', 'two']) itemgetter('one', 'one', 'two')(x) I also didn't know print "%(one)s\n%(two)s\n%(two)s" % mydict The reason I'd like to have a short statement for above is, that this is for me basically just some code, to name and use certain fields of a hash in i given code section. The real example would be more like: name,age,country = itemgetter('name age country'.split())(x) # or any of my above versions # a lot of code using name / age / country thanks a gain and bye H On Sep 10, 5:28 pm, hofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Let's take following perl code snippet: > > %myhash=( one => 1 , two => 2 , three => 3 ); > ($v1,$v2,$v3) = @myhash{qw(one two two)}; # <-- line of interest > print "$v1\n$v2\n$v2\n"; > > How do I translate the second line in a similiar compact way to > python? > > Below is what I tried. I'm just interested in something more compact. > > mydict={ 'one' : 1 , 'two' : 2 , 'three' : 3 } > # first idea, but still a little too much to type > [v1,v2,v3] = [ mydict[k] for k in ['one','two','two']] > > # for long lists lazier typing,but more computational intensive > # as split will probably be performed at runtime and not compilation > time > [v1,v2,v3] = [ mydict[k] for k in 'one two two'.split()] > > print "%s\n%s\n%s" %(v1,v2,v3) --