Jaime Wyant wrote:

After goofing around with this idea, I've realized you can't be very expressive with a bunch of python statements strung together. My biggest problem is that I can't figure out (i don't think you can), how to do conditionals that are strung together:

# This won't work
if a > 5: print "a > 5";else print "Doh"

I've decided to just call a function from the semicolon delimited
record, using the return value in my `C' app...

The following might work based on the context: code = '''if a > 5: \n print "a > 5"\nelse:\n print "Doh"\n'''

or, formatted differently

code = '''
if a > 5:
    print "a > 5"
    print "Doh"

Then, you could do

Yeah, I tried to "make it work", but it just won't. At least not in a satisfactory way.




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