TIA -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Could you please timh and belindelof learn to quote properly and stop
top-posting ?
- Coming from .NET and VB and C ToPostMustJoinGroup22
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C Simon Brunning
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C Eric Wertman
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C Bruno Desthuilliers
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C Simon Brunning
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C Marco Bizzarri
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C Bruno Desthuilliers
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C Marco Bizzarri
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C benlindelof
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C timh
- [OT] top-posting and quoting (was: ... Bruno Desthuilliers
- Re: [OT] top-posting and quoti... Ben Finney
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C sturlamolden
- Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C castironpi