Qiangning Hong wrote:
I am writing a setup.py for my package.  I have a pre-compiled
myextmod.pyd file in my package and I want the distutils to
automatically copy it to

I try to add the following parameter to setup():

   data_file = [('mypackage', ['mypackage/myextmod.pyd'])],

but it installs the pyd file to C:\Python23\mypackage\myextmod.pyd,
this is not what I want.

And I don't want to specify the path in data_file to the absolution
path 'C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\mypackage', for portability, of

Any hints?

Actually you probably want to look at describing the .pyd as an Extension. Then you can even give distutils the instructions to build it, and as a side effect you can install it to the right location
This may not be what you want though


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