Nobody has any help for me on this one?

Let me see if I can make it clearer by using something simpler:

               -------| Peter |-------
               |      +-------+      |
               |                     |
               V                     V
        +-------------+       +-------------+
        |   Python    |       | Application |
        | Environment |       | Environment |
        +-------------+       +-------------+
               ^                     ^
               |                     |
               ---<--<--< ? >-->-->---

Both environments use the C++ class Peter in their environments (Application
directly, and Python via SWIG).  How do I exchange instances of Peter between
them?  How do I get Python-environment instances of Peter with its
Python-specific settings into the Application's environment (and vice versa)?


Does anybody know of a a SWIG-specific mailing list or forum where discussion
of this type of problem would be more appropriate?

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