#! rnews 1551
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
From: Harry George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: why and when we should do it?
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Organization: The Boeing Company
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Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:16:34 GMT
Xref: news.xs4all.nl comp.lang.python:369917

Su Wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi,everybody,Sorry to bother you. 
> i hvae seen some code like this before:
> class BusinessBO :
>     dev __init__(slef):
>         #write you own code here
>     dev businessMethod :
>         #write you own code here
> pass
> why and when we should add the keyword "pass" ?
> and some time i have seen
> class SomeObject(Object) :
>       #some code
> why and when we should inherit Object?
> thanks in advanced.

There are enough typos in your example that I'm guessing you actually saw:

  class BusinessBO :
      def __init__(self):
          #write you own code here
      def businessMethod(self):
          #write you own code here

"pass" is the Python way to say "Yes, I know there should be code
here, but I don't want any."  It is required in this context because a
"def" cannot be totally empty.

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