The code create 2 windows. 2 radiobuttons are put on the second window. A control variable "v" is binded to the 2 widgets. But when I run the code, I found the control variable not binded succsessfully: The second radiobutton was not selected by default; Click ed each button always print 1. I don't know what is wrong. So I need help.Thanks.
from Tkinter import * def test(event_instance): print v.get() window1=Tk() window2=Tk() v=IntVar() v.set(1) radiobutton1=Radiobutton(window2,variable=v,value=0) radiobutton2=Radiobutton(window2,variable=v,value=1) radiobutton1.pack() radiobutton2.pack() radiobutton2.bind('<Button-1>',test) radiobutton1.bind('<Button-1>',test) window1.mainloop() --