On 2008-09-04 20:39, Fett wrote:
> I need a crypto package that works on windows with python 2.5. Can
> anyone suggest one for me?
> I have been searching for a couple days for a good cryptography
> package to use for public/private key encryption, at this point I
> would settle for symmetric even.

I'm not really sure what you're after, but if it's about end-to-end
encryption and authentication, then OpenSSL is the way to go, e.g.
using pyOpenSSL:


> Every encryption package I have found for python was either operating
> system specific (read *nix only):
> http://www.freenet.org.nz/ezPyCrypto/
> http://www.keyczar.org/
> There was one exception, this version was specifically built to run on
> any platform (yay), but the compiler for windows complained that I
> wasn't using python2.2 (though the package was said to only need 2.2
> or newer).
> Is there any crypto package that is actually written in python? I
> seriously don't care how slow it is.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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