On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Robert Dailey wrote:
>  I currently have a dictionary object that I'm doing the following with:
>> if lib not in stage_map:
>>    # ... do stuff ...
>> However, this will perform a case-sensitive comparison between lib and
>> each key in stage_map. Is there a way to make this do a case-insensitive
>> comparison instead?
> dictionary lookups use the exact value.  to make a case-insensitive lookup,
> use key.lower() instead of key when creating the dictionary, and then do
>    if lib.lower() not in state_map:
>        ...

So you're saying to ensure that stage_map's keys are initially lower-case to
begin with? Well, I can't do this either since the case of the keys is
actually valuable later on. It's only for the purposes of this specific
comparison operation that the case should be ignored.

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